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Most strange photos of Internet

Today we have access to all kinds of curiosities and weird things in the Internet.

In this list we have clear examples that in the Word Wide Web we can find all kind of information and photos, specially if what we are looking for are bizarre, strange or weird things.

All these pictures are shared between millions of users from all over the world and they confirm that the most rare facts can be documented and published in the Internet.

If you have a rare or curious image and want to share it with and the rest of us, please fill the formulary of Comments and Suggestions.

Inside the vast collection of strange and amazing photos available in the Web we made this selection with the most shocking images that you can find in the Internet:

You might be interested to see:
Curious images in Google Earth
Famous places in Google Earth
Lugares mas asombrosos del mundo
Maravillas Naturales de Sudamérica


The Boa that eats human beings
We must say that this amazing image is 100% real and that inside the boa there is a human body. As this amazing photo shows the boa is capable of enlarge its size to eat an entire human being. For those who doubt, we prepared the following page where it´s possible to observe more graphically the situation. Do not open the link if you are an impressive person!


Palm tree Island in Dubai
In the United Arab Emirates, more precisely in Dubai, we can find the constructions of amazing Palm Islands, that are the three biggest artificial islands of the world. The project, which began in the year 2002, will increase the coast of Dubai approximately 120 km and will create big areas of recreation and entertainment. These three artificial islands will transform Dubai into one of the most exclusive and impressive first class destination of the world. Each island is surrounded with crown-shaped barriers that function as breakwaters.

Snake with two heads
The President of the World Aquarium of St. Louis (United States), Leonard Sonneschein, is the man who has in his hands this small albino snake with two heads, as we can enjoy in this impressive photo. Sonneschein decided to sell the reptile and the offers in E-bay began with a 150.000 dollars base. The snake has 6 years and arrived to the aquarium when his previous owner distributed a few pamphlets offering her for sale some days after she was born. The aquarium paid 15.000 dollars in spite of knowing that the majority of the snakes with two heads live only for a few months.



She parked in the roof
A woman literally flew with her car from the fourth floor of the medical center Los Angeles County - USC parking in Los Angeles, California. The driver was seriously injured when her vehicle landed on the roof of a nearby construction after flying through the air. Surprisingly the woman survived and in spite of presenting serious injuries her life wasn´t in danger after the accident.

Four legged chicken
To avoid the fights in the familiar table at the time of distributing the paws of the chicken, this impressive photo taken on March 15, 2007 shows a perfect solution. This farmer of Palestine called Mahmoud Abu Znaid holds a chicken with four paws in his farm located in the city of Hard, close to Hebron. There is no clear explanation for this deformity and the growth of an extra pair of paws happens very rarely.

As you can appreciate in the picture below, this duckling has 4 paws and seems to be happy about it! He was born in the farm Warrawee Duck in Copythorne Hampshire, England. It is an strange mutation that left the duck with two front paws plus the two paws that normally they have. The photo was taken on February 20, 2007.

Snow Angels

This great photo shows thousands of people stretching their hands and legs in perfect unison, printing figures of angels on the snow All this happened during an attempt to obtain the world record of the biggest quantity of angels of snow in Bismarck. The organizers thought that almost 9.000 persons took part in the event. The previous world record managed to assemble 3.784 persons.

The tallest man on Earth
His name is Xi Shum, he is from China and he is the tallest man alive. In this amazing photo we see him walking in the streets of San Pablo, Brazil mixed between the people but of course, Xi Shum remains unmistakable due to his 2.36 meters high. He was in South America to present the of the Guinness book of world Records, edition 2007.

Pig with two noses

In China, more precisely in the city of XI'AN, (located in the north of the Chinese province of Shaanxi), a little pig with three eyes poses for the impressive photo between two mirrors in a farm. The curious porcine has 8 brothers and will be sent to a local park where he´ll receive professional care and some studies will be practized. 

Lonely house in China

In Chongqing, China, the visitors show their support to the occupants of the solitary house surrounded by a big excavation. The owners of the house defied a judicial decision that ordered them to abandon the construction after pushing back the offer that a big construction company made them. The judicial battle begun when China approved a new law that protects the private property. The amazing picture of the solitary house was taken on March 26, 2007 and it is a clear example of the resistance of an individual against big economic interests.

Without head on the beach

If we go to the beach it is necessary to pay attention to avoid situations like this because we can lose the head in the sand! Although for many people this photo does not have anything amazing or impressive it deserves a place in our list. Withour daubt it´s a simple trick that can cheat at first sight the unprepared observerour´s mind. Needless to say, what we are really looking is one man with his body buried under the sand and another one with his head covered creating this funny effect.